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Found 18836 results for any of the keywords alcohol impaired driving. Time 0.008 seconds.
Alcohol-Impaired Driving | Drunk Driving | GHSADrunk driving accounts for nearly one-third of all traffic fatalities. In 2020 there were 11,654 people killed in alcohol-impaired-driving crashes, an average of one alcohol-impaired-driving fatality every 45 minutes.
Homepage - - Promoting Responsible Alcohol DecisionEliminating underage drinking, eliminating drunk and impaired driving, and empowering adults to make responsible alcohol choices.
Drug-Impaired Driving | GHSADrug-impaired driving is a growing problem in the U.S., and the laws are complex and vary by state.
Child Passenger Safety | GHSAGHSA Policy Click here to view GHSA s Policy and Priorities on Occupant Protection
Motorcyclist Safety | GHSAMotorcyclists are overrepresented in crashes and fatalities.In 2020 there were 5,579 motorcyclists killed, 14 percent of all traffic fatalities. This is the highest number of motorcyclists killed since FARS started in 19
Mature Drivers | GHSAAged 65 and over, mature drivers (also referred to as older drivers) represent a growing segment of America s licensed drivers but face an increased risk of traffic-related injuries and fatalities.
Alcohol101+ - - Promoting Responsible Alcohol DecisDrinking among college students has remained relatively unchanged over the past five years. In 2022, 63% of college students reported having consumed alcohol in the past 30-days, with slightly more than one in four (28 p
GHSA | Governors Highway Safety AssociationThe Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) is a nonprofit representing the state and territorial highway safety offices that implement federal grant programs to address behavioral highway safety issues.
Bicyclists, Pedestrians and Micromobility | GHSAWalking and biking are healthy, environmentally friendly transportation options. Unfortunately, pedestrians and cyclists are at an inherent disadvantage when involved in traffic crashes.
Distracted Driving | GHSAGHSA PolicyClick here to view GHSA s Policies and Priorities on Distracted Driving.
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